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OSACC White Mold Test Results

White mold test results should be used as only a general guide in variety selection. Ratings could change with weather and location. Grower’s with white mold problems should consider crop rotation with a non-host crop, selection of early varieties, wider row spacing and avoiding heavy applications of manure, in addition to selecting varieties with the lowest plant infection.

Harrow, 2018 White Mold Trials

White mold testing of commercial varieties will be discontinued at Harrow due to inconsistent field conditions required for adequate and timely disease development and infection.

Harrow, 2016, 2017 Trials

Infection did not develop in the field on the majority of test varieties in each year. Disease development was reduced by excessive dry and above average temperatures which may have impacted the development of infective white mold sclerotia. Additional daily misting initiated soon after first flowering to nurture disease development was unable to improve conditions for infection.

Harrow, 2015 Trial

Infection did not develop in the field on (85%) of the test varieties using daily misting initiated soon after first flowering to nurture disease development. Conditions in the field were warm nights during petal senescence with wet to very wet conditions into late summer which may have impacted the development of infective white mold sclerotia.

Relative Maturity 
Heat Unit Rating 
Infection (%) 
NSC Sanford R2Y 0.5 2500 0.0 Seed-link Inc.
5A075RR2 0.8 2750 0.0 Mycogen Canada
Black Pearl 1.5 2750 0.6 Beechwood Agri Services
5A145RR2 2.0 2900 8.1 Mycogen Canada
PS 2082 NR2 2.0 3075 0.7 PRIDE Seeds
5A150RR2 2.1 2850 8.2 Mycogen Canada
OAC Kent 2.1 3050 19.0 SeCan
OAC Brooke 2.2 3050 14.7 SeCan
OAC Marvel 2.2 3000 2.5 Huron Commodities Inc.
PS 2295 LL 2.2 3150 16.1 PRIDE Seeds
OAC Thamesville 2.3 3100 2.5 Southwest Seeds
PS 2393 NR2 2.3 3100 7.6 PRIDE Seeds
HS 24RY05 2.4 3150 21.4 Hyland Seeds
HS 24RYS01 2.4 3150 23.8 Hyland Seeds
5A255RR2 2.5 3200 14.8 Hyland/Mycogen
DF 155 2.5 3150 2.4 AGRIS Co-operative Ltd.
HS 25RYS47 2.5 3400 27.0 Hyland Seeds
31-61RY 2.6 3175 15.5 DEKALB
HS 26RYS16 2.6 3200 25.9 Hyland Seeds
92Y74 2.7 3200 3.9 Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
PS 2797 NR2 2.7 3225 29.1 PRIDE Seeds
32-61RY 2.8 3250 9.4 DEKALB
92Y83 2.8 3225 9.3 Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
PS 2834 NLL 2.8 3250 17.9 PRIDE Seeds
AAC STERN 2.9 3400 13.3 SG Ceresco, Inc.
93Y05 3.0 3275 6.5 Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
P32T83L 3.2 3325 25.6 Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
P33T72R 3.2 3325 28.5 Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
Resistant Check 1.4 
Moderately Susceptible Check 2.0 
Susceptible Check 25.1 
  TEST MEAN 7.4  
  CV 126.1  
  LSD (0.10) 15.4  
Relative Maturity 
Heat Unit Rating 
Infection (%)
OAC Kent 2.1 3050 1.0 SeCan
OAC Marvel 2.2 3000 1.7 Huron Commodities Inc.
OAC Thamesville 2.3 3100 0.0 Southwest Seeds
S23-T5 2.3 3100 4.6 Syngenta Canada, Inc.
HS 24RYS01 2.4 3150 4.7 Hyland Seeds
DF 155 2.5 3150 2.5 AGRIS Co-operative Ltd.
5A255RR2 2.5 3200 0.0 Mycogen Canada
32-11RY 2.6 3225 4.0 DEKALB
CF61GR 2.6 3200 7.5 Country Farm Seeds Ltd.
HS 26RYS16 2.6 3200 7.1 Hyland Seeds
92Y74 2.7 3200 1.4 Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
CF60GR 2.7 3250 14.8 Country Farm Seeds Ltd.
PS 2797 NR2 2.7 3225 5.9 PRIDE Seeds
92Y83 2.8 3225 10.3 Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
HS 28RYS28 2.8 3250 9.0 Hyland Seeds
93Y05 3.0 3275 8.7 Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
93Y22 3.1 3300 13.5 Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
S31-L7 3.1 3350 15.1 Syngenta Canada, Inc.
Resistant Check   1.4  
Moderately Susceptible Check   22.9  
Susceptible Check   34.1  
  TEST MEAN 8.5  
  CV 92.7  
  LSD (0.10) 7.2 
Relative Maturity 
Heat Unit Rating 
Infection (%) 
OAC Kent 2.1 3050 2.5 SeCan
PS 2295 LL 2.2 3150 30.0 PRIDE Seeds
OAC Marvel 2.2 3000 23.8 Huron Commodities Inc.
S23-T5 2.3 3100 22.5 Syngenta Seeds Canada, Inc.
OAC Thamesville 2.3 3100 0.8 Southwest Seeds
HS 24RYS01 2.4 3150 15.0 Hyland Seeds
HS 24RYS15 2.4 3150 12.3 Hyland Seeds
HS 24RY05 2.4 3150 1.8 Hyland Seeds
DF 155 2.5 3150 2.3 AGRIS Co-operative Ltd.
HS 26RYS16 2.6 3200 35.3 Hyland Seeds
CF61GR 2.6 3200 19.5 Country Farm Seeds Ltd.
32-60RY 2.6 3225 11.8 DEKALB
S26-F9 2.6 3200 3.0 Syngenta Seeds Canada, Inc.
CF60GR 2.7 3250 29.5 Country Farm Seeds Ltd.
PS 2797 NR2 2.7 3225 28.0 PRIDE Seeds
92Y74 2.7 3200 1.5 Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
S28-M1 2.8 3250 28.5 Syngenta Seeds Canada, Inc.
92Y80 2.8 3225 18.3 Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
HS 28RYS28 2.8 3250 13.0 Hyland Seeds
5A255RR2 2.8 3200 9.0 Mycogen Canada
92M91 2.9 3250 13.0 Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
PS 3092 NR2 3.0 3300 38.0 PRIDE Seeds
93Y05 3.0 3275 36.3 Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
S31-L7 3.1 3350 34.5 Syngenta Seeds Canada, Inc.
93Y20 3.2 3325 9.8 Pioneer Hi-Bred Ltd.
  TEST MEAN 16.1  
  CV 95.5  
  LSD (0.10) 14.0